The Vancouver Gazette
The Vancouver Gazette
Interview: Hare Krishna Temple President Jaya Govinda Dasa

Interview: Hare Krishna Temple President Jaya Govinda Dasa

Image from Dreamstime Images

In Vancouver we have seen Hare Krishnas1, members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, chanting at the corner of Georgia and Granville since the 1960s2.

What's that all about?

This week I share my interview with Jaya Govinda Dasa3, Brahman initiated devotee and past president of the Vancouver temple of Krishna consciousness

I wager that the average person probably knows little about this science4. It is generally common knowledge that the quiet and simmering Beatle, George Harrison, was a devout Hare Krishna, and maybe you know his solo song, My Sweet Lord, but did you know that the Lord to whom Harrison sang was the Hindu God Krishna?

Let’s find out what being a Hare Krishna is all about.


According to the OED, a Hare Krishna is a member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, a religious organization based mainly in the US and other Western countries. Its devotees typically wear saffron robes, favour celibacy, practise vegetarianism, and chant mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna


Likewise, too, in most major cities.


Originally recorded in 2014.


Jaya Govinda explains that his is not a faith, but a science. Listen on.

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